Born 23rd November, 1948 in Burgdorf/Hannover

Schools in Burgdorf, Hannover, Braunschweig and Wiesbaden

1968 Abitur at Oranienschule in Wiesbaden


German Air Force 1st Juli, 1968.  Retired as Major 31st December, 1988.

Managing Editor of LUFTWAFFEN-FORUM and editor aerokurier in Bonn/Gelsenkirchen. Since 1992 Motor-Presse Stuttgart, after takeover of aerokurier and LUFTWAFFEN-FORUM  

End 1994 Editor-in-Chief FLUG REVUE


March 1998 Head of Communication, Eurofighter GmbH, Hallbergmoos,

October 1999 Head of Communications, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace Military Aircraft, Ottobrunn,

January 2003 Vice President Communication, EADS Military Aircraft, Ottobrunn, Madrid

December 2004 Vice President Communication, Eurofighter GmbH.

Retired in April 2009


Lives in Mauern near Moosburg an der Isar in Upper Bavaria, together with his wife and author Brigitte Rutel-Hoeveler


Member Kunstverein Freisinger Mohr, Krieger- und Soldatenverein Mauern


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© Wolfdietrich Hoeveler